Monday, November 9, 2009

My Pilgrim during the Second Grading Period

Actually I was very happy and contented that my experiences during the second grading period were well-done. Most especially to our main topic the "Basic HTML." At first I didn't understand it because there were lots of unfamiliar terms which I could hardly understand, even though our teacher was explaining it to us. Then I realized that I have to focus and concentrate so that I will never be left behind about our lessons.

As the days passed by, I learned to love what I was doing. I was challenged with the activities that we created individually. At the very beginning, I became ignorant about the tags. And one time, I whispered to myself that "it's so tiresome and it's just giving you a headache in doing these activities." But despite of all these challenges, I tried my ultimate best and pursued my determination to improve my capabilities and skills pertaining this matter. And of course I didn't forget to ask the help of Almighty God to give me more power in studying during the times of lacking in understanding. For the next activities I can already follow, and understand the HTML.

Proving on I will continue the job well done during the second grading period. And I will listen carefully during discussions so that I will never be anymore experiencing from headache and others.